Blue Demon

2:29 AM Posted by El Grande
"Give me the good old days of heroes and villains, the people you can bravo or hiss. There was a truth to them that all the slick credulity of today cannot touch" - Bette Davis. 

Last week as part of the "Know Your Luchador" series, I spoke about El Santo, Mexico's greatest hero, but what's a hero without a villain? It is hard to think of any good guy without an antithetical force acting against him. Is it possible to even imagine Batman without the Joker? Luke Skywalker without Darth Vader? World War II without the Nazis? Like any good hero, El Santo had an enemy: his name, Blue Demon
I should make it clear though that Blue Demon was not really a villain, he was more like an anti-hero. He could have been a good guy, but he chose to be a bad-ass instead. Let's put in these terms, Blue Demon was more Batman than Superman (any comic geek will know what I am talking about).

 Like El Santo who was succeeded by El Hijo del Santo, most people today know Blue Demon through his "son" Blue Demon Jr.
 Blue Demon Jr. advertising the Blue Demon Full Throttle Energy Drink

But Blue Demon was a star of his own. His feats included defeating El Santo (multiple times), staring in over 20 lucha libre films, and never reveling his identity.

Trailer from El Santo and Blue Demon vs Los Monstrous (The Monsters)

What more could I say about Blue Demon? He was amazing, and in all honesty, way cooler than El Santo (in my opinion). Check out his Wrestling Profile for yourself. 

Before I end this post, I'd like to share a recipe for a drink I like to call "Dos de Tres Caidas." It combines my favorite Energy Drink and Tequila!

"Dos de Tres Caidas"

2 Shots of Tequila of Choice
Juice of Half a lime
Dash of Salt
(Stir, don't Shake- Don't try to pull a James Bond)

WARNING: Mixing energy drinks and tequila is powerful shit. You could die if you don't pace yourself. The drink is called "Dos de Tres Caidas" (two out of three falls) not only in reference to the lucha libre count, but also because it mixes a depressant and a stimulant. The drink brings you down, then picks you up.

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